Standardized Bonehead Reply Form 1.3c

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        ------------------begin "standardized form"----------------------------
                        STANDARDIZED BONEHEAD REPLY FORM, Version 1.3c
                                  (c) copyright 1999 by
                                      someone else.
        (check all boxes that apply)
         [ ] Clueless Newbie   [ ] Lamer         [ ] Flamer
         [ ] Loser             [ ] Spammer       [ ] Troller
         [ ] "Me too" er       [ ] Pervert       [ ] Geek
         [ ] Freak             [ ] Nerd          [ ] Elvis
         [ ] Racist            [ ] Fed           [ ] WaReZ D00D     
         [ ] Fundamentalist    [ ] Satanist      [ ] Militia member
         [ ] Stereotypical AOLer                 [ ] "Expert"
         [ ] Unbearably self-righteous person    [ ] Hypocrite
         [ ] IBM/Mac Bigot     [ ] Apologist     [ ] Revisionist
         [ ] Scientologist     [ ] Evolutionary Dead End
        I took exception to your recent:
         [ ] Email   [ ] Post to (to long, out of space)
         [ ] "News" article        
        It was (check all that apply):
         [ ] Lame           [ ] Stupid         [ ] Abusive
         [ ] Clueless       [ ] Idiotic        [ ] Brain-damaged
         [ ] Imbecilic      [ ] Arrogant       [ ] Malevolent
         [ ] Contemptible   [ ] Libelous       [ ] Ignorant
         [ ] Nauseating     [ ] Stupid         [ ] Fundamentalist
         [ ] Boring         [ ] Dim            [ ] Cowardly
         [ ] Deceitful      [ ] Demented       [ ] Self-righteous
         [ ] Crazy          [ ] Weird          [ ] Hypocritical
         [ ] Loathsome      [ ] Satanic        [ ] Despicable
         [ ] Belligerent    [ ] Mind-numbing   [ ] Maladroit
         [ ] Assinine       [ ] Pointless      [ ] Annoying
         [ ] Much longer than any worthwhile thought of which you may be capable.
         Your attention is drawn to the fact that:
         [ ] You Spammed
         [ ] You defended someone who Spammed.
         [ ] You doubtlessly violated the Terms of Service of your ISP
         [ ] You posted what should have been emailed
         [ ] You obviously don't know how to read your newsgroups line
         [ ] You obviously know nothing about the topic at hand
         [ ] You are trying to make money on a non-commercial newsgroup
         [ ] You are placing your profits above fundamental ethics
         [ ] You self-righteously impose your religious beliefs on others
         [ ] You self-righteously impose your racial beliefs on others
         [ ] You made a blanket statement without backing it up
         [ ] You made unwarranted assumptions
         [ ] You posted a "news article" without bothering to do basic research
         [ ] You posted a binary in a non-binaries group
         [ ] You don't know which group to post in
         [ ] You made a post and didn't say anything
         [ ] You posted something totally uninteresting
         [ ] You crossposted to *way* too many newsgroups
         [ ] I don't like your tone of voice
         [ ] You are the reason some groups are moderated
         [ ] You posted in HTML
         [ ] You used the phrase "Information Superhighway"
         [ ] You cannot recognize sarcasm
         [ ] You made an error and blamed someone else
         [ ] You flamed someone for a spelling error.
         [ ] And you misspelled something in the process
         [ ] What you posted has been done before.
         [ ] Not only that, it was also done better the last time.
         [ ] You quoted an *entire* post in your reply
         [ ] You quoted nothing, so nobody knows what you refer to
         [ ] You started a long, stupid thread
         [ ] You continued spreading a long stupid thread
         [ ] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it 
         [ ] You posted a followup to crossposted robot-generated spam
         [ ] You posted a URL that had nothing to do with the subject header
         [ ] You posted a "test" in a discussion group rather than in alt.test
         [ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
         [ ] You posted low-IQ flamebait
         [ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll
         [ ] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll
         [ ] You said "me too" to something
         [ ] You posted a "FAQ" that contains deliberately misleading information
         [ ] You make no sense
         [ ] Your sig/alias is dreadful
                [ ] It contains stupid song lyrics
                [ ] It contains a stupid "witty" quote
                [ ] It contains worthless ASCII graphics
         [ ] Your sig is longer than the body of your message
         [ ] You posted a phone-sex ad
         [ ] You posted a stupid pyramid money making scheme
         [ ] You claimed a pyramid-scheme/chain letter for money was legal 
         [ ] You argued that spamming was legal, even though nobody claimed it wasn't
         [ ] Your margin settings (or lack of) make your post unreadable.
        Each line just goes on and on, not stopping at 75 characters, making it
        hard to read.
         [ ] You posted in ELitE CaPitALs to look k0OwL
               [ ] You failed
                     [ ] Miserably
         [ ] You posted a message in ALL CAPS, and you don't even own a TRS-80
         [ ] Your post was FULL of RANDOM CAPS for NO APPARENT REASON
         [ ] You ended a sentence with more than one ! or ?
               [ ] and also put a blank before them
         [ ] You referred to the Usenet Cabal (There is no Cabal)
         [ ] You attempted a deliberate invocation of Goodwin's Law
         [ ] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of this newsgroup.
         [ ] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the Internet.
         [ ] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of email
         [ ] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of communication 
         [ ] You are a loser.
         [ ] This has been pointed out to you before.
         [ ] You believe O.J. Simpson is guilty
         [ ] You have a direct genetic link to:
                [ ] Sanford Wallace
                [ ] Phil Lawlor 
                [ ] John Grubor
                     [ ] Walter Rines
                     [ ] Zach Everett
                     [ ] Steven Boursy
                [ ] ___other___
         [ ] You are one of the scuzzwipes from:
                [ ] the Woodside Literary Agency
                     [ ] the Copy Cat Shop
         [ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally
             worthless that you are being flamed on general principles.
         [ ] You used 8-bit characters and forgot the appropriate MIME-Headers
        It is recommended that you:
         [ ] Get a clue
         [ ] Get a life
         [ ] Go away
         [ ] Grow up
         [ ] Act something close to your age
         [ ] Never post again
         [ ] Smoke less of what you are smoking
         [ ] Consider how low the tolerance on the Internet is for Spam
         [ ] Become Sanford Wallace's love slave
         [ ] Read every newsgroup you posted to for a week 
         [ ] stop reading Usenet news and get a life
         [ ] stop sending Email and get a life
         [ ] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
         [ ] Have your medication adjusted
         [ ] Go to the top of a building and attempt to defy gravity
         [ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
         [ ] find a volcano and throw yourself in
         [ ] get a gun and shoot yourself
         [ ] poke your eye out with a stick
         [ ] Actually post something relevant
         [ ] Read the FAQ
         [ ] stick to FidoNet and come back when you've grown up
         [ ] Apologize to everybody in this newsgroup
         [ ] Do not attempt to apologize to everybody in this newsgroup
         [ ] Attempt to win this year's Darwin Award
         [ ] Do not pass along yout genes
         [ ] consume excrement
         [ ] consume excrement and thus expire
         [ ] Perform solitary sexual congress
         [ ] Post your tests to alt.test/misc.test
         [ ] Put your home phone number in your ads from now on
         [ ] Don't bother getting a new account when this one is pulled
         [ ] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're doing
         [ ] Read all RFCs and memorize them
         In Closing, I'd Like to Say:
         [ ] You need to seek psychiatric help
         [ ] Take your gibberish somewhere else
         [ ] *plonk*
         [ ] Learn how to post or get off the usenet
         [ ] Learn the purpose of email
         [ ] Take a basic economics course and learn the costs of UCE
         [ ] Go back to school and actually learn something
         [ ] Your mother wears army boots
         [ ] You are possibly the most annoying person currently alive
         [ ] _____other______
         [ ] Most of the above
         [ ] All of the above
         [ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above
         [ ] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form.
        ------------------end "standardized form"----------------------------
