Die "de.rec.motorrad-Statistik" Seite
Januar 2000

Jürgen "desert" Schubert stellte freundlicherweise die folgende Statistik zur Verfügung.

            Mailstatistics for group de.rec.motorrad
            Statistics from 01.01.2000 to 31.01.2000.
            Bytes:         5002528 (29% quoted)
            Authors            847   Bytes/Author:          5906
            Messages:         6678   Bytes/Message:          749
            Subjects:          773   Bytes/Subject:         6471
            The most bytes in one message, being 30029, wrote
            Ulf Schneider about 'Re: Offroad Keith Code?'.
            Top 30 Authors
              Pl. Name                  | Messages  |    Bytes    | Quotebytes  | B/Msg |
               1. Thomas Schade         |  166,  2% | 145323,  2% |  32534, 22% |   875 |
               2. Georg Kurek           |  146,  2% | 114515,  2% |  34549, 30% |   784 |
               3. Gerd Brauns           |  145,  2% | 110226,  2% |  32279, 29% |   760 |
               4. elwu                  |  131,  1% | 141707,  2% |  40180, 28% |  1081 |
               5. Matthias Kohrs        |  114,  1% |  86402,  1% |  22001, 25% |   757 |
               6. Dominic Tanner        |  111,  1% | 110837,  2% |  22261, 20% |   998 |
               7. Dirk Thomalla         |  111,  1% |  65341,  1% |  21030, 32% |   588 |
               8. Andreas Braeutigam    |  110,  1% | 131193,  2% |  30483, 23% |  1192 |
               9. Gerd Janssen          |  101,  1% |  60528,  1% |  16235, 26% |   599 |
              10. Radbert Grimmig       |   97,  1% |  56797,  1% |  16715, 29% |   585 |
              11. Wolfgang Horejsi      |   83,  1% |  56963,  1% |  15104, 26% |   686 |
              12. Kathinka Diehl        |   83,  1% |  45287, .9% |  12073, 26% |   545 |
              13. Ansgar Kursawe        |   80,  1% |  80419,  1% |  25061, 31% |  1005 |
              14. Martin Pluskota       |   80,  1% |  64353,  1% |  23748, 36% |   804 |
              15. Olaf Erkens           |   72,  1% |  69787,  1% |  18709, 26% |   969 |
              16. Jan Kannemacher       |   72,  1% |  50025, .9% |  17940, 35% |   694 |
              17. Rainer Schlerege      |   71,  1% |  57874,  1% |  25445, 43% |   815 |
              18. Bernd Sluka           |   70,  1% |  86522,  1% |  32577, 37% |  1236 |
              19. Dirk Dreßler          |   58, .8% |  59635,  1% |  17371, 29% |  1028 |
              20. bad manni             |   58, .8% |  48698, .9% |  23190, 47% |   839 |
              21. Philip Herzog         |   58, .8% |  27713, .5% |   3094, 11% |   477 |
              22. Hermann Graef         |   56, .8% |  35136, .7% |  12874, 36% |   627 |
              23. Mathias Peters        |   56, .8% |  21983, .4% |   6917, 31% |   392 |
              24. Elke Bock             |   53, .7% |  42894, .8% |  20497, 47% |   809 |
              25. Andi Schmitt          |   53, .7% |  28326, .5% |   8279, 29% |   534 |
              26. Gundolf Birkel        |   51, .7% |  28177, .5% |  10717, 38% |   552 |
              27. Rainer Tschauder      |   47, .7% |  33036, .6% |   7778, 23% |   702 |
              28. Stephan Rochow        |   46, .6% |  61161,  1% |  14325, 23% |  1329 |
              29. Sven Buth             |   46, .6% |  19693, .3% |   5568, 28% |   428 |
              30. Ralf Wiesner          |   44, .6% |  34577, .6% |   7585, 21% |   785 |
               E  Sum/Average           | 2469, 36% | 197512, 39% | 577119, 29% |   799 |
            Top 10 Subjects
              Pl. Subject               | Messages  |    Bytes    | Quotebytes  | B/Msg |
               1. Urteile mal wieder..  |  494,  7% | 504297, 10% | 178212, 35% |  1020 |
               2. Grenzerfahrungen mitt |  341,  5% | 483599,  9% | 181844, 37% |  1418 |
               3. OT! - Spritpreis      |  290,  4% | 299377,  5% |  89179, 29% |  1032 |
               4. Megafete 2000         |  167,  2% |  95605,  1% |  29656, 31% |   572 |
               5. Glaette, was tun ?    |   86,  1% |  79150,  1% |  26529, 33% |   920 |
               6. Einspritzung Kontra V |   83,  1% |  85441,  1% |  22691, 26% |  1029 |
               7. Beste Generation zum  |   82,  1% |  85125,  1% |  31274, 36% |  1038 |
               8. drm -- Bekenntnisse.  |   74,  1% |  39230, .7% |  10160, 25% |   530 |
               9. Motorradfahren und Ko |   68,  1% |  47100, .9% |  16474, 34% |   692 |
              10. 7 cm Finger..OT       |   68,  1% |  30313, .6% |   9591, 31% |   445 |
               E  Sum/Average           | 1753, 26% | 174923, 34% | 595610, 34% |   997 |
            |                       Erstellungsdatum                               |
              1. **** 47
              2. ****** 69
              3. ****************** 184
              4. ********************* 212
              5. ****************************** 306
              6. *********************** 231
              7. *********************** 234
              8. **************** 161
              9. ********************** 222
            10. ********************* 216
            11. ********************** 227
            12. **************************** 287
            13. ************************** 265
            14. ****************************** 308
            15. ****************** 189
            16. ***************************** 290
            17. ********************************* 336
            18. ****************************** 302
            19. ********************************** 348
            20. ********************************** 345
            21. ********************* 211
            22. *************** 150
            23. ************ 123
            24. ****************** 189
            25. ********************** 225
            26. *********************** 231
            27. ********************* 212
            28. *************** 153
            29. ********** 104
            30. ************* 137
            31. ************************ 242
            |                       Erstellungszeit                                |
              0- 1 Uhr ********************** 225 = 3.3%
              1- 2 Uhr *************** 152 = 2.2%
              2- 3 Uhr ********* 94 = 1.4%
              3- 4 Uhr ***** 51 = 0.8%
              4- 5 Uhr * 15 = 0.2%
              5- 6 Uhr * 12 = 0.2%
              6- 7 Uhr ****** 60 = 0.9%
              7- 8 Uhr ***************** 177 = 2.6%
              8- 9 Uhr **************************** 288 = 4.3%
              9-10 Uhr ********************************** 341 = 5.0%
            10-11 Uhr ******************************* 319 = 4.7%
            11-12 Uhr ******************************** 329 = 4.9%
            12-13 Uhr ******************************** 329 = 4.9%
            13-14 Uhr ************************************** 381 = 5.6%
            14-15 Uhr ************************************* 371 = 5.5%
            15-16 Uhr ***************************************** 412 = 6.1%
            16-17 Uhr ************************************* 373 = 5.5%
            17-18 Uhr ********************************** 345 = 5.1%
            18-19 Uhr ******************************************** 448 = 6.6%
            19-20 Uhr ********************************************** 461 = 6.8%
            20-21 Uhr *********************************************** 476 = 7.0%
            21-22 Uhr ****************************************** 427 = 6.3%
            22-23 Uhr *************************************** 391 = 5.8%
            23-24 Uhr *************************** 279 = 4.1%
